
git clone 'git://'


A simple Emacs interface for RuboCop.


Please, note that the current version of RuboCop.el requires RuboCop 0.9.0 or later.


Just drop rubocop.el and dash.el. somewhere in your load-path. I favour the folder ~/.emacs.d/vendor:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor")
(require 'rubocop)


If you're an Emacs 24 user or you have a recent version of package.el you can install rubocop.el from the Marmalade repository.


If you're an Emacs 24 user or you have a recent version of package.el you can install rubocop.el from the MELPA repository.

Emacs Prelude

rubocop.el is naturally part of the Emacs Prelude. If you're a Prelude user - rubocop.el is already properly configured and ready for action.


Command | Description | RuboCop mode binding ————————————————|———————————————————|——————– M-x rubocop-check-project | Runs RuboCop on the entire project | C-c C-r p M-x rubocop-check-directory | Prompts from a directory on which to run RuboCop | C-c C-r d M-x rubocop-check-current-file | Runs RuboCop on the currently visited file | C-c C-r f M-x rubocop-autocorrect-project | Runs auto-correct on the entire project | C-c C-r P M-x rubocop-autocorrect-directory | Prompts for a directory on which to run auto-correct | C-c C-r D M-x rubocop-autocorrect-current-file | Runs auto-correct on the currently visited file. | C-c C-r F

If you use them often you might want to enable rubocop-mode which will added some keybindings for them:

(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'rubocop-mode)

Known issues

Check out the project's issue list a list of unresolved issues. By the way - feel free to fix any of them and send me a pull request. :-)


Here's a list of all the people who have contributed to the development of rubocop.el.

Bugs & Improvements

Bug reports and suggestions for improvements are always welcome. GitHub pull requests are even better! :-)
