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sourcemap.elBuild Status

sourcemap parser in Emacs Lisp. Only supports decoder now.


You can install sourcemap.el from MELPA


(sourcemap-original-position-for sourcemap properties)

Find line and column of original file from specified properties.

properties is plist and shoul have following properties - :line - Line in generated file - :column - Column in generated file

Return value is property list which has :line and :column.

(sourcemap-generated-position-for sourcemap properties)

Find line and column of generated file from specified properties.

properties is plist and should have following properties - :source - source file - :line - Original line number - :column - Original column number

(sourcemap-goto-corresponding-point properties)

Go to corres

This is useful for compiling command of coffee-mode. You can use this for moving point in compiled Javascript file which currespoinding to cursor point in CoffeeScript. If you want to use this feature, add following configuration.

(setq coffee-args-compile '("-c" "-m")) ;; generating sourcemap file
(add-hook 'coffee-after-compile-hook 'sourcemap-goto-corresponding-point)

properties is plist and should have following properties - :source - source file - :sourcemap - sourcemap file - :line - line in :source(CoffeeScript) - :column - column in :source(CoffeeScript)

(sourcemap-from-file file)

Parse file as sourcemap and return sourcemap instance

(sourcemap-from-string string)

Parse string as sourcemap and return sourcemap instance