

git clone 'git://github.com/jcollard/elm-mode.git'


Elm mode for EMACS.


  1. Syntax highlighting.
  2. Intelligent indentation.
  3. Integration with elm-make.
  4. Integration with elm-repl.
  5. Integration with elm-reactor.
  6. Integration with elm-package.


elm-mode indentation is based on cycling: every time you insert a new line there will be one or more indentation levels available for you to choose from. The exact number is printed in the minibuffer either as Sole indentation or Indent cycle (n)... where n is the number of available indentations to choose from. If the automatic indentation level was not the one you expected simply hit TAB to cycle through the list (note that hitting any other key will cancel the cycle).



If your Emacs has package.el (which is automatically the case for Emacs >= 24), you can install elm-mode from the package in MELPA.

From source

Add this repo to your load-path and (require 'elm-mode). Ensure that the following dependencies are available:

This package assumes you are runing Emacs 24 or later.


The following bindings are available in elm-mode:


| Keybinding | Description | | —————— | ————————————— | | C-c C-c | Compile the current buffer. | | C-c M-c | Compile the Main.elm file. |


| Keybinding | Description | | —————— | ———————————————————————- | | C-c C-l | Load the current file in a REPL. | | C-c C-p | Push the current region to a REPL. | | C-c C-e | Push the current decl. to a REPL (requires haskell-mode). |


| Keybinding | Description | | ———————- | —————————————————————— | | C-c C-n | Preview the current buffer in a browser. | | C-u C-c C-n | Preview the current buffer in a browser in debug mode. | | C-c C-m | Preview the Main.elm file in a browser. | | C-u C-c C-m | Preview the Main.elm file in a browser in debug mode. |


| Keybinding | Description | | ———————- | ———————————————————— | | C-c C-d | View a function's documentation in a browser. | | C-c C-i | Import a module from one of the dependencies. | | C-c M-k | Open the package catalog. | | C-u C-c M-k | Open the package catalog, refreshing the package list first. |

The following bindings are available in the package list buffer:

| Keybinding | Description | | ———— | —————————— | | g | Refresh package list. | | n | Next package. | | p | Previous package. | | v | View package in browser. | | m | Mark package for installation. | | i | Mark package for installation. | | u | Unmark package. | | x | Install marked packages. |