

git clone 'git://github.com/Silex/elmacro.git'


Shows keyboard macros or latest interactive commands as emacs lisp.


The recommended way to install elmacro is through MELPA.

Otherwise, simply add elmacro.el to your load-path and then (require 'elmacro).


To enable elmacro, do M-x elmacro-mode or enable it from your config file like this:




M-x elmacro-show-last-commands shows your latest emacs activity as emacs lisp. This is more or less a better version of kmacro-edit-lossage.

The default number of commands shown is 300. You can change this number by using a numeric prefix argument or by using the universal argument, in which case it'll ask for how many in the minibuffer.


You can also record a keyboard macro and use M-x elmacro-show-last-macro to see it as emacs lisp.

It'll ask you which defun name you want to give to this macro.


Clears all the recorded commands.



Say you have the following text:

violets are blue
roses are red

With the cursor somewhere on the first line. Press the following keys:

F3 C-e M-b M-u C-a C-n F4

Then doing M-x elmacro-show-last-macro upcase-last-word RET produces a buffer with:

(defun upcase-last-word ()
  "Change me!"
  (move-end-of-line 1)
  (backward-word 1)
  (upcase-word 1)
  (move-beginning-of-line 1)
  (next-line 1 1))

You can now do M-x upcase-last-word or call it from your elisp code :)



Default value: "^\\(ido\\|smex\\)"

Regexp used to filter unwanted commands.


Default value: '(copy-file copy-directory rename-file delete-file make-directory)

This is a list of non-interactive functions that you also want to be recorded.

For example, dired-copy-file (C key in dired) doesn't reads its arguments as an interactive specification, and thus the file name is never stored. Adding copy-file to elmacro-additional-recorded-functions solves this.


Default value: t

When enabled, will concatenate multiple text insertion together, so instead of:

(defun abc ()
  (insert "a")
  (insert "b")
  (insert "c"))

You get:

(defun abc ()
  (insert "abc"))


Default value: '(frame window buffer)

List of symbols representing which object to convert.

For example, converts <#window 42> to (elmacro-get-window-object 42).

Mouse events support

A nice addition to normal macros is that mouse events (clicks / scroll) are also recorded and elmacro can figure which emacs window / frame was the target.

For example, by default clicking in a window will generate code like:

(mouse-set-point '(mouse-1 (#<window 75 on foo.el> 913 (90 . 286) 185432429 nil 913 (10 . 15) nil (90 . 1) (9 . 19))))

We see that the <#window 75 on foo.el> part is not very useful. Thanks to the mechanism of elmacro-objects-to-convert, the following code is generated instead (elmacro-get-window-object is a helper to return the correct emacs window object):

(mouse-set-point `(mouse-1 (,(elmacro-get-window-object 75) 913 (90 . 286) 185432429 nil 913 (10 . 15) nil (90 . 1) (9 . 19))))

Contributions welcome!

Either as suggestions or as pull requests by opening tickets on the issue tracker.
