

git clone 'git://github.com/knu/emacsc.git'

Emacs as a command line tool


Emacsc(1) is a wrapper of emacsclient(1) for use within a terminal, which helps use Emacs more as command line tool than just a standalone environment.

usage: emacsc [-cdgkn] [-s NAME] [-e EXPR | -x EXPR | -f FUNC] [FILE..]

    -h, --help      show this help
    -d, --daemon    run Emacs as daemon and quit
    -k, --kill      kill Emacs daemon
    -g, --no-tty    do not prefer tty
    -c, --create-frame
                    create a new frame
    -n, --no-wait
                    do not wait and return immediately
    -s, --socket-name=NAME
                    specify the file name of the socket file name for
    -e, --eval=EXPR
                    evaluate the Lisp expression EXPR and print the
                    result without a frame opened
    -x, --execute=EXPR
                    interactively execute the Lisp expression EXPR
    -f, --funcall=FUNC
                    interactively call the Lisp function FUNC

This command is a wrapper of emacsclient for use within a terminal. It adds the -t option so that Emacs opens a new frame on the current terminal, making the command itself suitable as a value for EDITOR.

A byte-compiled initialization file is automatically removed before running Emacs if outdated, i.e. older than the original file.

In order for the -x and -f options, and the following commands to work, install lisp/emacsc.el into a directory in your load-path and add this to your ~/.emacs.d/init.el:

(require 'emacsc)

Or install emacsc from an ELPA package and you are good to go.


Dired(1) is a frontend command to invoke dired.

usage: dired [directory|file]

It takes a directory or a file name, defaulted to the current directory, to open with dired. If a non-directory is given, the point will be automatically moved to the file on startup.

ediff(1), ediff-merge(1)

Ediff(1) and ediff-merge(1) are frontend commands to invoke ediff functions.

usage: ediff file1 file2

usage: ediff-merge local remote base merged
       ediff-merge local remote merged

These commands depend on emacsc(1) and ediff-batch.el. Put the following line in your Emacs initialization file in addition to the one above for emacsc if you do not install emacsc from an ELPA package:

(require 'ediff-batch)

To use them from Git, put the following lines in your ~/.gitconfig.

    tool = ediff
[difftool "ediff"]
    cmd = ediff \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
    tool = ediff
[mergetool "ediff"]
    cmd = ediff-merge \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$BASE\" \"$MERGED\"


Evil(1) is a command to edit given files in evil-local-mode.

usage: evil [-s NAME] FILE..

    -h, --help      show this help
    -s, --socket-name=NAME
                    specify the file name of the socket file name for


Magit(1) is a frontend command to invoke magit-status.

usage: magit [directory]

It runs magit-status on a given directory. If omitted, ask where with the current directory as default.



Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Akinori MUSHA.

Licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. See LICENSE.txt for details.

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