

git clone 'git://github.com/madnificent/ember-mode.git'


Ember-mode speeds up navigation in EmberJS projects.

NOTE: ember-mode is a work in progress.  Although we use it internally, it will 
be extended in the future and it isn't fully functional yet.

That being said, it will not destroy your code and it's nice to use.


Ember-mode helps in jumping and generating javascript files in an emberjs project. It assumes an ember-cli-like folder-structure and supports both coffeescript and javascript extensions.

example usage

ember-mode can be used to either generate, or navigate between files.

example setting

Let's assume you have the following files in your emberjs folder structure:

- app
    - models
        - friend.coffee
        - plugin.coffee
    - controllers
        - plugins.coffee
    - routes
        - friends.coffee
        - plugins.coffee
        - friends
            - show.coffee


Say you are visiting the models/friend.coffee file with ember-mode enabled. Pressing C-c . f r will move to routes/friends.coffee.

If, from there on, you enter C-c . f c ember-mode will try to open controllers/friends.coffee. As that doesn't exist, it'll try all of the following:

- controllers/friends.js
- controllers/friend.coffee
- controllers/friend.js

As none of these exist, it lists all controllers and lets you select one of them.

manual generation

Say we are visiting routes/plugins.coffee and would like to generate a Peer model. Pressing C-c . g m will ask for the name of the class to generate (with a default of plugins) and the options to be passed to the generator. The default is hinted based on the current file.

Similarly, if we are visiting routes/plugins.coffee and want to generate a controller, pressing C-c . g c will ask for the name of the controller to generate (with a default of plugins) and the options to be passed to the generator. In essence, pressing enter twice will generate controllers/plugins.coffee.

automatic generation

Say we are visiting models/friend.coffee and want to generate the friend route. Pressing C-u C-c . g r will use the ember generators to generate the route and open it (without posing any questions).

Note that pressing C-c . f r would have navigated to routes/friends.coffee and wouldn't have found the newly generated route before.

PRO TIP: If you are using coffeescript, enable ember-cli-coffeescript to generate coffeescript instead of javascript files. If you don't, javascript files will be generated.

cd path/to/your/ember-cli-project
npm install ember-cli-coffeescript --save-dev

building, serving, testing

ember build and ember test can be run with C-c . r b and C-c . r t respectively, and C-c . r s will either run ember serve, or bring up the serve buffer if already running. These commands use compilation mode to link errors to files with line and column numbers. If the buffer that ember serve runs in is buried, it will also notify of build status via minibuffer messages.

published bindings

C-c . f c       ember-open-controller
C-c . f m       ember-open-model
C-c . f o       ember-open-router
C-c . f p       ember-open-component
C-c . f r       ember-open-route
C-c . f j       ember-open-javascript
C-c . f t       ember-open-template
C-c . f v       ember-open-view
C-c . f x       ember-open-mixin
C-c . f i       ember-open-initializer
C-c . f u       ember-open-util
C-c . f s       ember-open-service

C-c . g c       ember-generate-controller
C-c . g m       ember-generate-model
C-c . g o       ember-generate-router
C-c . g p       ember-generate-component
C-c . g r       ember-generate-route
C-c . g j       ember-generate-javascript
C-c . g t       ember-generate-template
C-c . g v       ember-generate-view
C-c . g x       ember-generate-mixin
C-c . g i       ember-generate-initializer
C-c . g u       ember-generate-util
C-c . g s       ember-generate-service
C-c . g g       ember-generate

C-c . r b       ember-build
C-c . r s       ember-serve-or-display
C-c . r t       ember-test

If you wish to use a different prefix other than C-c ., you may customize the variable ember-keymap-prefix with M-x customize-variable.
