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This is an evil-mode state for using god-mode.
It provides a command evil-execute-in-god-state
that switches to god-mode
for the next command. I bind it to ,
(evil-define-key 'normal global-map "," 'evil-execute-in-god-state)
for an automatically-configured leader key.
Since evil-god-state
includes an indicator in the mode-line, you may want to use diminish
to keep your mode-line uncluttered, e.g.
(add-hook 'evil-god-state-entry-hook (lambda () (diminish 'god-local-mode)))
(add-hook 'evil-god-state-exit-hook (lambda () (diminish-undo 'god-local-mode)))
It's handy to be able to abort a `evil-god-state' command. The following will make the
(evil-define-key 'god global-map [escape] 'evil-god-state-bail)