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gedit-mode is a minor mode for Emacs. It aims to tame Emacs' archaic default keybindings and make them more accessible to novice users. Although titled “GEdit” mode, users of every graphical application ever written should find most of these keybindings familiar. GEdit was simply chosen as the namesake since that is what I was primarily using before I discovered Emacs.

Why don't you just use GEdit if you like it so much?

Listen buddy, I don't like your attitude!

Seriously though, once I had a taste of Elisp, I was totally hooked on Emacs. I actually tried to reimplement some basic Emacs features as Python plugins inside GEdit, but gave up when I discovered that a 10-line whitespace-stripping elisp snippet required 100 lines of Python code to implement in GEdit.

So, if you are a vetern Emacs ninja, this mode may be of little interest to you. But if you are just starting out and you find the default keybindings intimidating, then I encourage you to give this a try.


gedit-mode is now hosted on MELPA! Type M-x package-install gedit-mode, then add the following code to your init file:

(require 'gedit-mode)

For the complete experience, you'll want sr-speedbar, shell-pop, and tabbar packages. I've listed those as requirements in the package, although gedit-mode is smart enough not to explode if they're missing. I also personally recommend visual-regexp and ace-jump-mode, although those have nothing to do with GEdit ;-)

Where can I find out what keybindings GEdit uses?

Also, gedit-mode.el itself is fairly easy to read as long as you're familiar with the traditional Emacs keystroke notation.