git clone 'git://'
Say you're looking through a large JSON file, and see a value that you want to extract programmatically. This Emacs extension will allow you to snatch the path to this value.
Available on MELPA at .
First include the package
(require 'json-snatcher)
Then add the following lines to your .emacs file, which sets a hotkey when editing JSON files in either js or js2 mode
(defun js-mode-bindings ()
"Sets a hotkey for using the json-snatcher plugin"
(when (string-match "\\.json$" (buffer-name))
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-g") 'jsons-print-path)))
(add-hook 'js-mode-hook 'js-mode-bindings)
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'js-mode-bindings)
Here's an example of the plugin at work