
git clone 'git://'


It turns out that a lot of the paredit key bindings work as expected in non-lisp buffers, since many major modes provide reasonable sexp-oriented navigation.

This library, then, provides a minor mode which enables a subset of the paredit library's editing commands in non-lisp buffers.

A grander project offering similar functionality is Matus Goljer's smartparens package.


If you choose not to use one of the convenient packages in Melpa and Marmalade, you'll need to add the directory containing paredit-everywhere.el to your load-path, and then (require 'paredit-everywhere).


Enable the minor mode in non-lisp buffers by adding paredit-everywhere-mode to your mode hooks. In Emacs 24 and greater, prog-mode-hook is a great choice:

(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'paredit-everywhere-mode)

Use C-h m to see which paredit commands are available.

Steve Purcell's blog // @sanityinc on Twitter