
git clone 'git://'


An emacs mode for interacting with sbt, scala console (aka REPL) and sbt projects.

Supported and tested versions include: - sbt 0.12 and 0.13 - scala 2.9 and 2.10 - emacs 24

The mode provides basic functionality required for successfully interacting with sbt from emacs. The core functionality includes: - interacting with sbt shell and scala console - compiling code and navigating to errors - finding things in code

Setting the mode up for use

  1. Make sure you have the lastest version of Gnu Emacs installed. The mode has been developed on 24.2.

    For best performance of scala console completions, also install the latest version of scala-mode2.

  2. Tab-completion is available natively for sbt 0.13.2. For older versions of sbt, install the completions plugin separately.

  3. There are two mechanisms that can be used for the installation of the mode into Emacs. The preferred manner is to use the built-in package manager of Emacs 24 (i.e. package.el) and the other is to manually clone the git repository, add the path to the mode to the load-path and then to require it. For more information regarding package.el please refer to the EmacsWiki.

    1. Package.el: Using the package.el within Emacs installation is the recommended manner to install sbt-mode as it allows for continuous, easy updating from within Emacs itself. Adding the MELPA repository to your emacs initialization will be required to locate the packages.

      Add the following to your emacs config (.emacs, init.el, etc). If such a definition already exists, ensure that it contains the MELPA declaration.

      (require 'package)
      (add-to-list 'package-archives
                   '("melpa" . "") t)
      (unless (package-installed-p 'sbt-mode)
        (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 'sbt-mode))
    2. Manual: Download the files to a local directory. You can use the git clone command, this will create a new directory called sbt-mode.

      git clone git://

      Include the following into your Emacs config file.

      (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/sbt-mode/")
      (require 'sbt-mode)
  4. That's it. Next you can start emacs in your project directory and run sbt-start (use M-x sbt-start). You might also want to change some keybindings to make better use of sbt-mode. If you have customized your sbt project layout, you might also need to customize some sbt-mode variables (run M-x customize-mode RET sbt-mode).

Important customization variables and other customizations

To work efficiently with sbt-mode, you should customize these variables.

You may also want to add a mode-hook to you .emacs file that alters key-bindings and some settings.

(add-hook 'sbt-mode-hook '(lambda ()
  ;; compilation-skip-threshold tells the compilation minor-mode
  ;; which type of compiler output can be skipped. 1 = skip info
  ;; 2 = skip info and warnings.
  (setq compilation-skip-threshold 1)

  ;; Bind C-a to 'comint-bol when in sbt-mode. This will move the
  ;; cursor to just after prompt.
  (local-set-key (kbd "C-a") 'comint-bol)

  ;; Bind M-RET to 'comint-accumulate. This will allow you to add
  ;; more than one line to scala console prompt before sending it
  ;; for interpretation. It will keep your command history cleaner.
  (local-set-key (kbd "M-RET") 'comint-accumulate)

Besides customizing sbt-mode, you might also want to add some customizations to your scala-mode2 key-bindings. The following two commands are good to have in some easily accessible key position.

(add-hook 'scala-mode-hook '(lambda ()
   ;; sbt-find-definitions is a command that tries to find (with grep)
   ;; the definition of the thing at point.
   (local-set-key (kbd "M-.") 'sbt-find-definitions)

   ;; use sbt-run-previous-command to re-compile your code after changes
   (local-set-key (kbd "C-x '") 'sbt-run-previous-command)

Also check that your global binding for the next-error function is satisfactory. It is by default bound to M-` which might be hard to access on some keyboard layouts where ` is a dead key. A good alternative is M-'.

(global-set-key (kbd "M-'") 'next-error)

To alter the colors use by the sbt-mode, customize the following faces using the M-x customize-face command.

Alternatively you may globally set their respective -face variables (e.g. sbt:warning-face) to point to your pre-defined face names.

Commands and key-map

As sbt-mode is based on comint-mode and compilation-mode, all the commands of those modes are available.

To see what commands sbt-mode adds, just type C-h f sbt- TAB and choose a command to get its description.

To see the default key-map, see the help page for the sbt-mode: C-h f sbt-mode.


Starting sbt

Run M-x sbt-start. This will run the sbt:program-name executable, which defaults to sbt.

Your sbt command history will be loaded and it is available through the M-x comint-previous-input command which is bound by default to the M-p key.

You may also run previous commands by going to the line in the buffer that contains the command and pressing RET. To jump back to the last line use M→.


After starting the sbt shell as described above, use the following commands in emacs.

The difference in using these compared to typing the command directly to the sbt buffer, is that using these commands can be run from any buffer with a file from the sbt project directory tree and that these commands will reset the sbt buffer, making it easier to read the compiler output and to navigate to any errors. Having sbt-run-previous-command bound to some key-mapping is advisable.

After using either of these commands, if any buffers need saving, Emacs will ask if you'd like to save them. You can set compilation-ask-about-save to nil to skip the question and have buffers saved automatically instead.

After running the compilation, you can navigate to the errors by selecting the error line and pressing RET or using mouse. You may also use the M-x next-error emacs command, which is by default bound to M-`.

Tab completion is also available when using the described commands.

Grepping code

A special version of the rgrep command is available with sbt-mode. Use M-x sbt-grep to grep files in the sbt project. The command mimics rgrep, so see C-h f rgrep for help.

Finding things

Besides sbt-grep you have also two other commands available for finding things at point using grep. These commands work more reliably if you have scala-mode2 installed.

Use the next-error and previous-error command (or key-binding) to jump to the locus of each search hit.

Scala console

You can start the scala console from within sbt as normally (use console or console-quick). Your scala-console history will be loaded on start-up.

When typing in multi-line code snippets, instead of using RET to separate lines, use M-x comint-accumulate (or the respective key-binding as adviced above in the customization section). This way, if you need to modify the code, you can use M-p to recall the whole snippet for reworking.

You can also send a region of code from an other buffer in the same project. First set the mark to the other end of the region to send and the point (cursor) the other. Then run the M-x sbt-send-region command. The command will skip any whitespace or comments at the beginning and end of the region.

You may prefer M-x sbt-paste-region to sbt-send-region. sbt-paste-region will enter :paste mode of Scala REPL, so that pasting multiline statement/expression will no longer confuse the REPL.


Mode development: Heikki Vesalainen

While a complete rewrite, the mode was inspired by the sbt-support provided by the old scala-mode.