git clone 'git://'
= Tea-time =
Tea-time is an extention to emacs. Kind of analog of gnome applet tea-time
It allows you to set up time intervals and after this interval is elapsed, Emacs will notify you with sound and notification. It could be useful if you make a tea or if you would like to be more productive by setting time limit for a task.
If available, notification would be done with great tool mumbles ( ) If not, then simply use standard emacs message.
= Requirements: =
tested on Emacs 23, should work on any version.
= Installation: =
Download from,
or simply git clone git://
Add tea-time directory to the load path, if needed
(add-to-list “path-to-tea-time”))
Add the code below in your .emacs
(require 'tea-time)
Customize variable tea-time-sound
via M-x customize
or simply put (setq tea-time-sound “path-to-sound-file”)
in .emacs
= Usage: =
Interactively call (tea-time)
Use (tea-timer-cancel) to cancel currently running timer.
Suggested binding: (define-key global-map “\C-ct” 'tea-time)