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Many elisp packages already use my-project-foo' and
my-project–internal-bar' naming conventions. `with-namespace' allows
you to define a collection of functions, variables etc without having
to write the prefix in front of every symbol.
It works by simply rewriting all the symbols of top-level definitions, so the following code:
(with-namespace "my-project"
(defun foo () (-greet "world"))
(defun -greet (thing) (format "hello %s" thing))
(defvar bar 3 "some docstring"))
compiles to:
(defun my-project-foo () (my-project--greet "world"))
(defun my-project--greet (thing) (format "hello %s" thing))
(defvar my-project-bar 3 "some docstring")
By producing code that many elisp developers would write anyway, `with-namespace' does not require downstream users to even know about it.